Sunday, November 17, 2013

Small Business Server 2003 with Win7 client account lockout

I recently added a WIndows 7 Pro 64 bit client to an SBS 2003 AD domain.  After which, every time the Win7 client reboot/went into standby/screenlocked then the domain account would get locked out.

After several attempts I was able to rectify the issue by disabling SBS Account lockout policy...

Open Server Management.
  1. In the console tree, click Advanced Management, right-click Group Policy Management, and then click Add forest.
  2. In the Add forest dialog box, enter the domain name. When prompted Do you want to add this forest with this domain?, click Yes.
  3. In the console tree, under Group Policy Management, click Forest:forestname, click Domains, right-click Small Business Server (Account) Lockout Policy, and then click Edit.
  4. In Group Policy Object Editor, click Computer Configuration, click Windows Settings, and then click Security Settings.
  5. Under Security Settings, click Account Policies, and then click Account Lockout Policy.
  6. In the details pane, double-click each of the following policies, and modify settings as needed: Account lockout duration, Account lockout threshold, and Reset account lockout counter after.
  8. Click Apply, click OK, and then close Group Policy Object Editor.
  9. Close Group Policy Management.
If you also need to disable Account audit... (I didn't have it set ) do the following...

  1. Open Server Management.
  2. In the console tree, click Advanced Management, right-click Group Policy Management, and then click Add forest.
  3. In the Add forest dialog box, enter the domain name. When prompted Do you want to add this forest with this domain?, click Yes.
  4. In the console tree, under Group Policy Management, click Forest:forestname, click Domains, right-click domainname, click Domain Controllers, right-click Small Business Server Auditing Policy, and then click Edit.
  5. In Group Policy Object Editor, click Computer Configuration, click Windows Settings, click Security Settings, and then click Local Policies.
  6. Under Security Settings, click Local Policies, and then click Audit Policy.
  7. In the details pane, double-click Audit logon events, and modify settings as needed.
  8. Click Apply, click OK, and then close Group Policy Object Editor.
  9. Close Group Policy Management.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Operation could not be completed (error 0x00000709)

Operation could not be completed (error 0x00000709) when trying to set default printer in Win7...

Turns out an old printer (defunct yet still in registry somehow) was still there...

Fixed by setting permissions to key...

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows

To FULL.  Then renamed key ..\Windows as ..\windows.x and restarted print spooler
service.. the default printer setting then worked normally.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

ASUS G1Sn-x1 with T9300 and 8GB RAM

I was able to successfully and easily upgrade my ASUS laptop to an Intel T9300 Core2 Duo
CPU... was a very easy swap.. cost me 50 bucks to extend the life of this awesome gaming lappy.

Hybrid SSD is also onboard...

ASUS G1Sn-x1 also upgraded to 8GB RAM, seen in BIOS and reported by Windows 7 64bit.
Used Corsair Valueselect 8GB 2x4 kit.

Lenovo T60 Bad Option ROM PXE-E05 Error

If you are having issues with your T60 Lenovo or similar laptop with a corrupted NIC Option ROM, I was able to fix it by resetting the ROM to default.

Download Intel BOOTUTIL here...

Create a FreeDOS bootable USB using RUFUS...

Copy the \Intel###\APPS\BootUtil\DOS\bootutil.exe file to the USB drive and boot up
the laptop with it...

Run "bootutil -CFGDEF - ALL" and then power cycle.. it will be fixed.