Monday, October 3, 2011

GETTY IMAGES Cease and Desist

Yesterday I was contacted by Getty Images concerning a single thumbnail sized computer-related photo I had used on my website... the letter stated the photo was their property and that I must...

1. Cease using the photo, which I immediately did.
2. Pay a fee of $800.00 to then settle the dispute.

Apparently this is a similar tactic to the one used by Monster Cable, RIAA,
and other entities to scare people into ponying up cash. I am placing this
on my blog so others may become more aware of this kind of unethical behavior being used in the name of copyright enforcement.

To give you some details..

1. There was no indication nor marker on the image that gave it claim of
ownership nor copyright. No image rights nor record were found on it at all.

2. Getty Images has provided no information as to it's claim of copyright.
I was given no Library of Congress case # for the image or image set.

3. The image is very "generic" and could be confused for another image of
similar use or layout.

I strongly suggest others look over their websites to use images that are
freely licensed, and that you check with an attorney before forking
over money to Getty Images.


  1. I've got exactly the same situation going on. Same amount and everything. Can you follow up on this post with how things were resolved?

  2. It's May 2013 and I have ignored every single letter and email from them. They switched from paper to email some time ago... and I continue to ignore them. No entity can force you to pay them without a court order stating you to do so, so I won't.
